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상품 게시판 상세
제목 클린아크플러스앰플 사용후기
작성자 임유진**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-05-12 19:26:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 257
평점 4점
제 피부가 지성 타입은 아니지만, 건성하고 조금만 민감해요. 요즘에 얼굴에 흰색 점들 생겼어요.. ㅠㅠ 근데 클린 아크 플러스 앰플을 사용후 (1주) 모두 사라졌어요. 우와!! 신기하다~♡ 앞으로도 DMCK를 많이 많이 사랑할게요~~ 인생앰플!♡ This ampoule made specially for troubled (acne) and sensitive skin. It has many effects, seems like soothing, purifying, balancing, protecting. You dont have to use a lot, just 3-5 drops all on your face, so it last long. Usually I shake the ampoule, so the ingredients can mix well before use it on your skin. When I tried it on my face, it was a very watery type ampoule, with silky and light texture. So after use it was comfortable, not sticky, not greasy, not shiny. I liked it.♡ The ampoule has a special smell, but I can not describe well this scent. Few months ago I started to have little white dots on my cheeks, and I tried anything to make it gone, but nothing helped me. Until now. After I used Clean AC Plus Ampoule (around 1 week), it was all gone. Amazing.♡ The ampoule is filled with nutritions, so it makes the skin looks healthy and gives vitality. My skin is a little bit sensitive, but using this product caused no irritation, no itchy, no burning. Because this ampoule made with natural items, seems like Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, Propolis Extract, Witch Hazel Extract. I really recommend this ampoule for troubled and sensitive skin type people, who's fighting with acne and are looking for a natural made cosmetic. Must have item!♡ http://naver.me/xlqifw11 https://www.instagram.com/p/BT9QkE_jAbx/

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4110 클린아크플러스앰플 사용후기 HIT 임유진**** 2017-05-12 257
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