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상품 게시판 상세
제목 Long lasting lip tint
작성자 D&#**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-08-01 17:24:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 736
평점 5점
I tried the Cherry Pink color from the collection. It has a wonderful sweet scent, I could never feel bored of it. The texture is kinda thick compare with a lip gloss, but fluent enough compare with a lipstick - I would say it's exactly like a liquid lipstick. You can apply it on with the brush head easily but you need to take care of using a small amount! It is easier to handle and already enough, since it's really well pigmented. The color is strong but natural at the same time. *-*
It is mostly matt, none glossy, but I don't feel my lips would get dry or wrinkled. The tint is ready after some minutes, when it gets dry. After that i can eat, drink, it doesn't leave sign. After some hours it is fading away naturally and evenly. I think this lip tint is good both for day time and night time also.

*************All together:*************
- long lasting, about for some hours
- strong pigmentation
- beautiful color and sweet scent
- thick, liquid texture
- easy application with small amount of tint
- strong, safe, elegant black package
- matt finish, but no drying effect
- for day and night

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4003 Long lasting lip tint HIT D&#**** 2017-08-01 736



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